Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash


A company’s brand is determined by its consumer’s experience or perception of its products and services. Branding is one thing that should be at the center of a company, controlling every action they take. Regardless of messages put out by any company, consumers would rather believe the word of a stranger, which is why every action taken by a company should benefit consumers to ensure referrals and recommendations.

The social revolution has allowed diverse consumers to share their thoughts about a company openly and without filters. There are many social media apps and forums where consumers share their thoughts and influence future consumers’ decisions. Now, marketing has quickly adapted to many changes brought about by the social revolution and has obtained an inbound marketing strategy. Inbound marketing strategy, coupled with outbound and brand marketing approaches, has managed digital disruption.

Recruiting experienced the same digital disruption as marketing, yet it still hasn’t fully adapted to these changes. These changes need to be implemented to reach more key talent. Talent acquisition relies heavily on advertising but still fails to get key talents to apply to jobs. Even with a lot of corporate messages passed out about excellent job opportunities, reviews by the talent on Glassdoor sings a different tune. There are loads of job opportunities placed out, and it seems each company is searching for the same thing, which is why every job opportunity placed out needs to be dynamic and state how it would benefit talents.

There are three (3) areas in which the recruiting industry can create strategies to manage digital disruption. 

Talent Branding

A job is more than what products or services the organization provides; it includes the specific elements of the job. It is important to state how a job might improve the career life of a talent. Candidates like knowing that activities they engage in would benefit them. So disclosing benefits such as how talents can leverage the experience they gain from that job opportunity is a good way of talent branding.

Outbound Recruiting

Recruitment advertising is important, and there are various forms such as job boards, social media, etc. but key information to remember while placing adverts for job opportunities is to include the unique offers of organizations. Instead of posting lengthy requirements of a job, prioritize skills, experience, and state how doing this job will make the talent more valuable in the market.

Inbound Recruiting

This is about building a lasting relationship with talents. It is necessary to make strategic moves that would add value to a talent. Inbound recruiting is also about providing opportunities or tasks that allow talent to become a professional or develop a particular skill. The aim is to add value to a talent so that you come to mind first when seeking a new role.